Thursday, October 20, 2016

War: Need of an hour

A file photo from Indo-Pak War - 1965

If someone ask you, what you will prefer sudden death or daily pain which will last long with multiplying injuries until your death. Off course, we will prefer sudden death, at least me. Now a days, who like to get pain equivalent to death everyday in so fast pace life?

The proxy-war between India & Pak has lot to learn. It has been 60 odd years and we are still killing or get killed on the name of terrorism. Bilateral dialogues spoiled, a great valley of Kashmir which is equivalent to heaven has only wake up with scream of bullets everyday. Starting from China, Pakistan to country like Myanmar, everyone chasing land, taking each others life, blocking each others roads and very recent threat to water resources.

I have been in Europe for a while now. I visited Edinburgh, London and few great war memorials. What I learn is that before forming European Union they fought two great wars, have number of civil wars. Before wiping boundaries between countries, they cut each other's throats, they trashed each other's women, children. They revenge each other by every possible way.  They shed every drop of blood.

Another best example is of Japan. Until they get attacked with Nuke which killed lakh of civilians, Japan keep empowering their military will. Now their world is changed. They are only speaking about technology, development and economical growth. They understand, an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

On similar ground, what major civil war witnessed by South Asia. For more than 150 years, they looted by British. Post freedom, we had 2-3 wars between military establishment where we had hardly seen throats cutting of civilians (Indo-Pak partition is exception where train of death bodies of civilians exchanged). South Asia is so much lucky that they never get directly involved in world war. People of South Asia never seen women, children abused or blood of their own flowed next to them. But the recent past history of fight between each other really suggest a want for a war. A war that teaches an importance of losing nearer, an importance of peace, an importance of having good neighbours, importance of shared capabilities, ultimately it will teach power of being united.

There is famous quote by Einstein states, Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. If Indo-Pak-China never read essence of this quote then they must fought and learn the lesson by hard way!

Note: For historical reference, this article has been written when Indo-Pak relation tensed in light of terrorist attack on Indian Soil at Uri, a military base at LOC.

Reference - Great wars represents World War I & II

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