Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Crazy netizens or is it a change?

I called up, ‘Hey, what happened? I saw you post, why are you deactivating your facebook account?’

My friend, Sanket replied on another side, ‘I do not believe in this virtual reality, better to stay away. However my post suggest I will be deactive for temporary but that is not true. I am quitting facebook forever.’

I stumbled, a guy who used to post each and every happening around him stopped using facebook. At one moment, I agreed on his opinion on virtual world.

Few days passed away, suddenly Sanket’s post start blooming on my social account.

I text him, ‘Hey buddy, I know you will be back soon’

He replied, ‘Hey, you know why I come back. Let me call you, I can’t text everything J’

I had chat over phone with Sanket, he brief his decision of reactivating account by a symbolic story.

In an ancient days, one of the remote village had water pump located at center of the village. All villagers used to have water source as that water pump. Each day villagers queue up to have water next to water pump as that is the only drinking water source around.

One fine day, one of the villager saw a dream where he witnessed that if anyone drink water from only source of water in the village i.e. from Water pump will get crazy. The age represented in this story is the one when people used to believe on dreams and makes decision accordingly.

A villager woke up early in the morning and heads up directly to water pump. As he reach there, he started asking people not to drink this water as people will become crazy if they do so. When villagers arguing with him, he started explaining whatever he witnessed in the dream. People started laughing on him and started pumping water by ignoring his argument on possible craziness upon drinking water. 

To make him more embraced, one of the villager take sip of water and said ‘See, I drink water and become crazy now’. All people around bust into laugh again.

Still the villager tried to convince people to not drink water as per his dream. After few days, people started laughing at him and started calling ‘Crazy’ to him.

One of the villager passed comment at him, “Drink the water and become crazy like us.”

A villager got frustrated day by day and tired of explaining people to do not drink water at only water pump in the village. No one was in mood to listen him. Finally, a day has come and he visited water pump and drunk the water to became crazy like other people in his village.

The story ended with clear notion that Sanket was tired to listen from people around him that ‘Kya baat kar raha hai? Tera facebook pe account nahi hai?’ (Meaning ‘What are you saying, dude? Don’t you have account on facebook?’).

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